Waxing Trine Moon in Scorpio: Deep Knowing

posted in: Scorpio, Waxing Trine | 0

Today, the Sun and Moon reach the waxing trine within the First Quarter phase. This trine remains a Grant Trine in Water as the luminaries separate from Neptune in Pisces.

The Scorpio Moon squares Venus and Mars as Mercury sextiles Uranus.

Mercury in Cancer tracks feelings better than thoughts. We’re perceiving and processing through our emotions. Saturn–Uranus bring in global challenges. How does the world feel these days? Exciting? Threatening? Ugly? Beautiful? Mercurial antennas are up and tuning in to every nuance.

That sensitivity could create an impulse to withdraw, a desire to know more, or both.

As the Sun and Moon leave their deep connection with Neptune, what do they carry?

The Moon as messenger speaks especially to Venus and Mars. They, together in Leo, speak back. Neptune roils the depths, stirring our subconscious and our desire to connect to spirit realms.

Mars and Venus also sit on top of a yod, or quincunx, with Neptune and Pluto at its base. Our passions and creative drives rest on chthonic layers that shift and change and push us to change as well.

Are we comfortable with the unconscious? Our own, the world’s? If not, we might want Venus and Mars to say no, we’re fine here, we know who we are and what we want.

On the other hand, the unconscious has energy of its own that will not be denied. Facing in adds richness to our passions and depth to our creative expressions.

We need ways to express what’s going on in our souls. We long for communities where we can share our knowing.

Image adapted from Adrien Ledoux

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